Commit to Prayer

We fully believe that the most impactful thing anyone can do for our church and our city is to partner with us through prayer. 

One of our core values at city gates is


Pray in a direction
Pray with discernment from the Holy Spirit
Pray remembering we are disciples of Jesus

“Prayer is intimacy with God that leads to the fulfillment of his purposes.” 

Alvin Reid

“Prayer sends out joy to the world, and brings love into the world!”

Emmy Powell

Our specific prayer requests

As you commit to praying for City Gates Church, these are some specific things we are asking and believing the Lord for in our next season.



Pray that our families, church, and city would experience unity through Christ and not give in to division.




Pray that our leadership would have wisdom and discernment as we seek God’s will for our church and our city.


Pray that City Gates becomes a place where anyone can enter into the presence of God and be made new.

Commit to partnering in prayer

 We would love to keep you up to date with all that God is doing in, and through City Gates Church!